
We currently ship to the United States, Canada, United Kingdom & Australia.

How long does shipping take?
After an order is placed, it normally takes our team 24hrs or less to get it processed, packed, & shipped. Once shipped, you'll receive tracking information and an estimated delivery date. The shipping time will vary depending on destination. 

For orders within the United States, the average shipping time is 2-6 business days. Expedited order times are the average, in some rare cases due to weather events or other circumstances the average delivery time may not be met.

For international orders, the average shipping time is 5-12 business days. Timing may fluctuate depending on customs, please stay in touch with the shipping service to ensure fast delivery.

Customs & Duties
For international orders, the cost of shipping goes towards shipping the item only. International orders may be subject to additional customs fees and/or taxes depending on the location. The customer is liable for any additional customs fees and taxes. Please make sure to keep in contact with the shipping provider to ensure they have everything they need for a quick and seamless delivery.

Returns & Exchanges

As a supplement company, we are unable to accept returns. This policy is designed to prioritize the safety and well-being of all our customers. Rest assured that all of our products are shipped directly from us to you as brand new items; we never ship returned or used products.

Defective Product:
In the extremely rare occurrence that you receive a damaged bottle, please contact our team for next steps and we'll get you a replacement bottle right away. Requests must be made within 3 days of receiving your order.

Cancellation Policy:
Orders cannot be canceled once they have been processed. Please review your order carefully before completing your purchase.

Contact Us:
For any questions or concerns regarding your order or any of our products, please reach out to our Scrub Support team here. We'll get back to you as soon as possible and make sure your gut health journey is as positive as possible.